Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Sophie Journal

After a conversation with my friend and awesome mom Marina, I decided that I wanted to keep better notes about Sophie's day-to-day accomplishments and development, like she does for her kids.  Being attached at the hip to my laptop and iPhone (whenever I'm not attached to Sophie, that is), I am trying to figure out how to do this well on the blog.  I realize that many (ok, most) of my blog posts are about Sophie anyway, but I am hoping to keep a more detailed record of how she's growing and changing.  These details may not be so interesting to anyone other than me and Sophie's grandparents, but I think it will be wonderful for us to have a record of her growing up.  These posts are going to be labeled "Sophie Journal," and a click on the Sophie Journal link in the sidebar should bring up just those details.  Bear with me as I tinker.


Mom said...

Wonderful idea! You knew I'd say that, didn't you?

chrissy said...

Ryan, Sam & I think it is a great idea too!! We like to see what we have to look forward to. =D

Nana said...

I look forward to the latest adventures in Korea! Super idea.