Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quiet Sunday

It was a good thing for a quiet Sunday since I didn't sleep well again last night.  Chili was tugging at her stitches so much that I decided I'd better put her plastic collar on her to keep her from irritating the wound.  But of course, that also was difficult to do and to watch, so I worried after that and didn't sleep.  Today I was zonked.  Fortunately for me, Glenda agreed to keep both Pepper and Chili for a few hours while I took a nap and went for a much-needed run.  She said I was like a new mother who needed a break.  I picked both cats up in the afternoon, and they were really happy to be home together.  So much so that they groomed each other fervently for several minutes and then curled up and went to sleep.  Pepper has no respect for or understanding of Chili's wound, so I continually readjusted his paws and head out of her stomach area.  They are so sweet together.

This evening when they awoke, Chili seems almost back to normal. She's eating and drinking, and she even played quite excitedly with her kitten fishing pole this evening.  So I am much less worried.  Now if I could just keep her from chewing her stitches...


KIM! said...

The cats will be fine. And they still love you. Promise.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad Chili is feeling better. With Keegan on his trip, you're like a new SINGLE mother, and that's just extra rough. Hang in there!