Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lovely Weekend

We had a really nice weekend with Nate and Eliza and Marriet again!

Marriet enjoys the bouncer and attempts to pet Sophie's crazy hair.

This time they came to Geoje to visit, and we enjoyed some really glorious weather. On Saturday we were able to go out to lunch with Matt and Sojung and Anna-Lynn. We found a great Korean restaurant about a two-minute drive from our house. We had delicious Korean seafood pancake, grilled duck, kimchee stew, and a really amazing noodle soup with walnut and sesame. Sophie ate her weight in orange pieces and managed to jam some handfuls of cabbage salad into her maw while Mommy's guard was down.

On Sunday Eliza and I left the babies with their Daddies and went into town to get haircuts. We met Sojung and Matt at their favorite salon and enjoyed being pampered. I had a scalp-tingling shampoo with mint fragrance and a head and neck massage, a cut, and the most meticulous styling ever, and it was only 15,000 won! I left a big tip. We got home to discover Sophie napping in her crib (almost unheard of!) and the men not too much the worse for the wear. We had a really beautiful afternoon out by the grill, with hamburgers, ribs, veggies, shrimp, and sangria!

Sophie tries out the slide.

Nathan enjoys a cigar.

Daddy and Sophie clown around.

Sojung and Anna-Lynn enjoy the party.

More weekends like this one, please.

I talked to Eliza on the phone on Monday, and we agreed that Mondays following such great weekends are extra-sucky. Thank goodness the weather has remained pretty and Sophie and I continue to spend lots of time outside!

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