Sunday, February 7, 2010

Moving (Around) Day

This morning at breakfast, Keegan suggested that we spend the day moving some furniture around so that we can get ready to put the nursery together. Last Sunday, we had dinner with Matt and Jacki. Matt is Keegan's co-worker, and he and Jacki have two children who have outgrown a lot of their baby items. They have graciously offered us many of the things we need for the nursery, including a crib, changing table and glider chair. So we were excited about making a place for those things, even though we still have to figure out how to move them here.

So after breakfast we began moving everything out of the current study to make room for the guest bed. The cats were in a state of mild panic as the living room slowly filled up with books, papers, and miscellaneous junk that had piled up in the study over the past year and a half. We were delighted to find that all this moving around gave us an opportunity to clean some nasty dusty areas, and the cats were mollified by the rediscovery of at least a dozen long-lost cat toys. We also discovered that there was a very narrow space underneath the bed frame that we could use for desperately-needed storage. It's not terribly practical because you have to remove the mattress and the bottom of the bed frame to get to what's inside, but we had a few things we could put there. We are thinking about taking our bed apart, too, just to stash some items that we don't need but can't throw away because they belong to the apartment's owner.

Once we got the new guest bedroom/study ready, we were able to move a bookshelf into the baby's room and unpack some of the cute things we've acquired. The nursery is still pretty unfinished since we haven't moved in any of the furniture yet, but it's nice to have an idea of how much space we have to work with. We spent the rest of the afternoon reshuffling and re-storing all of the things that were dislocated by the move. Conclusion: we have too much stuff, but also much more storage space than we thought.

The highlights of the day, as discussed by Ellen and Keegan at dinner were the following:
1. How well the new guest room/study came together.
2. Unrolling the baby rug that we bought months ago before we were even pregnant.
3. Finally figuring out how to wash the windows in the guest room (they come out) and seeing the beautiful view through windows unobscured by salt and grime.

Here are some photos of our handiwork. Judge for yourselves!

The new guest room/study

The beginnings of the nursery

Shelf with cute baby things

I had hoped that the cats would be less interested in the baby's room once the big comfy bed was moved. But clearly, that is no obstacle at all to comfort when you're Pepper.


ginny said...

The nursery looks so cute!! And I love seeing Pepper sprawled out in the ugliest way he can manage. I love when cats do that!

Mom said...

Looks good so far. Any time you can do something like that it makes the baby seem more real, doesn't it? Love the rug!

chrissy said...

You're really making some awesome progress! I agree with Ginny, that it's awesome when kitties stretch like that. =D

The rug is the best and I'm kinda jealous. LOL. But in a good way, because it's so darn cute. I can't wait to see more pics.

Heidi said...

The rug is great! and the nursery seems to be the favorite resting spot for my cats, too. i think that's a good sign--they can sense the good qi and will hang out where it's "most concentrated." a nursery is a good place for concentrated good qi :)